Junior lacrosse

Welcome to junior lacrosse. Join the fun

Girls Junior Lacrosse

Junior lacrosse is a fast, fun and safe team game played at various lacrosse clubs across Victoria. Our clubs offer opportunities to join mixed, girls and boys teams in grades ranging from under 10s to under 18s, and our clubs welcome all levels of experience from beginner upwards. The junior age brackets are as follows: U12, U14, U16 and U18.

Junior lacrosse can be modified according to the ages and abilities of players, making it a sport that is enjoyable to learn. Quick Stix and Triball are suitable for school-age students and are played at clubs and in schools.

For many junior lacrosse is a new, exciting and motivating opportunity to be active. This new opportunity can provide something different and a unique way to motivate those that are not enthused by the more traditional sports.

New to lacrosse? Here are the basics

Lacrosse is played using lacrosse sticks and a ball. It is one of the fastest-growing sports globally, and it is played in over 60 countries worldwide.

Lacrosse is all about hand-eye coordination and quick decision making. The object of the game is to outscore the opposing team; goals are scored by gaining possession of the ball and causing the ball to pass through the face of the goals.

Lacrosse is an invasion game and skills learnt are transferable to games such as AFL, soccer, rugby, hockey and basketball. It is played mainly outdoors, although there are additional formats of the game including indoor lacrosse and box lacrosse.

Child safety is our priority

Lacrosse Victoria is committed to supporting our member clubs to create a safe and inclusive environment for all children in lacrosse throughout Victoria. You can read our child safety policies for more information.

Lacrosse clubs offer exciting opportunities to learn new skills and make friends

The lacrosse club structure is a connected and supportive one, and this makes for great opportunities for participation in community sport. Clubs participate in competitions during the winter season. During the off season players can continue to develop their skills by participating in indoor lacrosse and box lacrosse. For ambitious junior players interested in playing elite lacrosse, lacrosse clubs offer pathways to competing in national lacrosse competitions and eventually at an international level.

Contact us if you have questions

If you would like more information about junior lacrosse you can contact Lacrosse Victoria at competitions.officer@lacrossevictoria.com.au or on 9682 3300.