LV Pride Round 2024

3 months ago

Save the date for the 2024 Lacrosse Victoria Pride Round, Friday, 17 - Sunday, 19 May.

Get ready to go rainbow and make a stand against homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia at the 2024 Lacrosse Victoria Pride Round. Lacrosse Victoria, Pride Cup Australia, and our local lacrosse clubs have partner to host Pride Round Events across Melbourne which will kick start on Friday, 17 May, which has special significance with it being IDAHOBIT, International Day against LGBTQIA+ Discrimination. The Pride Round games and events will continue across the weekend.

In the lead up to the Pride Round, Pride Cup Australia will be hosting a LGBTIQ+ Inclusion in Sports Education Session on Tuesday, 7 May from 7 - 8pm for all people involved in the Round. The aim of the Pride Cup education program is to explore the current climate and attitudes towards LGBTIQ+ inclusion within Australian community sporting clubs, and to create understanding and empathy within the teams participating in the Round. To register for the Education Session, head to Lacrosse Victoria Pride Round 2024 - Pride Cup.

To get your club involved and to find out more about hosting a Pride Round Event, visit Host a Pride Cup - Pride Cup. If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to the LV LGBTQIA+ Ambassador, Kristen Hutchison at

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