Lacrosse Victoria Registration FAQs

Commencing in 2025, a new fee structure will be implemented, meaning any Victorian player who would like to participate in any form of lacrosse in the calendar year will be required to pay a LV Registration Fee.

The LVR Fee includes player insurance coverage, Lacrosse Victoria and Lacrosse Australia fees and the opportunity to participate in all LA and LV sanctioned competitions and events. This is not a new additional expense, as these costs have previously been included in your club membership fees, however will now be paid directly to LV.

To accommodate the growing variety of competitions, our aim is to create a fairer system for clubs by introducing a single fee based on player date of birth and competition eligibility. By consolidating fees, we strive to support clubs and ensure players are adequately covered while participating in the increasing number of competitions.

This fee ensures players are insured for all Victorian lacrosse formats, including field, box, sixes, social and junior lightning carnivals. Additionally, it includes player eligibility for Lacrosse Australia national competitions (U15, U18, Seniors & Box), Major League Sixes and Australian Representative teams.

Previously this fee (which includes LV & LA administration and insurance coverage) was integrated into the cost of your club membership fees (or subs) and was charged to clubs per player based on the previous years’ participation numbers.

Introducing the LVR reduces the guess work and administration of collating how many players a club had participate in the previous year and gives a precise number for insurance coverage.

Fees will now be separated into the LVR (paid by individuals) and team entry fees (paid by clubs).

Again, this is not a new additional fee, but rather taken out of what previously was included in player membership fees, that were paid to the club, then to LV.

Players will pay the LVR when registering to your club via GameDay. Clubs will then charge their own membership fees to be paid as requested by your club (e.g. via GameDay or directly to your club).

Our top priority is to support clubs in getting participants registered, on the field, and playing lacrosse, with the confidence that they are covered in case of injury and protected under any Lacrosse Victoria sanctioned competition or event.

The LVR for players covers:

  • Personal Injury/ Accident Insurance – coverage through our provider, Gallagher Insurance
  • Affiliation with Lacrosse Victoria and Lacrosse Australia
  • Opportunity to participate in all LV and LA sanctioned leagues, competitions and events
  • Eligibility to participate in Development, State and National teams
  • Lacrosse Victoria administration costs

Additionally, the LVR along with team entry fees, assist in covering the following:

  • Comprehensive insurance coverage for clubs, including Public Liability, Products Liability, Professional Indemnity and Management Liability
  • Administrative, governance and strategic support for member clubs
  • Management and provision of a tribunal system across Victoria
  • Management and administration of the field lacrosse season, any sixes and junior tournaments
  • Management of high-performance pathways at the state level

The LVR fee varies based on player age groups. As per LV competition rules, is age as of 1st May for the year of competition.

The LVR is inclusive of GST and GameDay transaction fees.

See LVR fees below:

Age Groups

Player Fee

Game Day Fee & GST

LV Registration Fee


$ 40.00

$ 6.00

$ 46.00

U12 & U14 (Junior A)

$ 80.00

$ 12.00

$ 92.00

U16, U17 & U18 (Junior B)

$ 100.00

$ 15.00

$ 115.00


$ 120.00

$ 18.00

$ 138.00

  • Please note players will pay the fee dictated by their date of birth (and therefore competition age group) and does not take into consideration any permits for players playing above or below their actual age group during a season.

Membership fees charged are up to the discretion of each individual club.

Clubs pay an entry fee to submit teams into each competition, additionally, clubs have their own varying operational costs, administrative fees and expenses. Paying your clubs fees will help with putting teams out on the field as well as the day-to-day operations of the club.

If you need further details on your club membership fees, reach out to your respective club.

The player registration process will be the same as previous years, with players registering through their respective club's registration link via GameDay.

The LVR is built into the end of GameDay registration forms and paid when registering to play for your club or in any LV sanctioned competition.

Payments need to be paid online in full and cannot be paid in instalments.

No, any Victorian player that wishes to take the field of any competition that is sanctioned by LV or LA needs to be a registered player and therefore have paid the LVR fee.

Any club that is found to have played an unregistered player, will be subject to penalty and fines as outlined in the competition rules.

The LVR covers individuals from date of registration to 31st December the same year. The LVR will need to be paid every year a participant wishes to take the field in Victoria.

Players for ‘come and try’ sessions are covered under a club's public liability insurance and therefore will not need to pay the LVR.

Clubs will need to ensure they fill out the LV Club Event Form for all come and try sessions, to gain approval to be a LV sanctioned event.